White Policing of Black Emotions
The post, "White Policing of Black Emotions," by Dr. Jervette R. Ward was featured on the website, Rhetoric, Race, & Religion.
Call for Papers - Black Men in Reality TV
Contributions are being sought for a proposed edited collection that explores the portrayals of Black men in reality television. This...
Conference Panel on TV Show Scandal
Pictured from left to right: Dr. Sheena Harris, Ms. Armanthia Duncan, Dr. Derrick Lanois, Dr. Jervette R. Ward, and Dr. Le'Trice...
There's No "Blachelor": Portrayals of Black Men in Reality TV
Pictured from left to right: (First Row) Dr. Alison Ligon, Dr. Manya Whitaker, Dr. Jervette R. Ward, (Back Row) Dr. Andre Thorn and Dr....